According to a 2016 study by Accenture, 52% of customers switched brands due to poor customer service, and 68% of those customers say they won’t return to the offending provider.  That unnerving reality leaves many business owners wondering what they can do to ensure their customers don’t become a statistic – and that’s where quality management tools come into play.

Tools like California Labor Solution’s HR-Undercover Program help business owners pull back the curtain to see what customers are really experiencing – even when supervisors aren’t looking.


Employee Monitoring Versus Quality Management Tools

Over the years, employee monitoring tools have received a lot of discussion – from both proponents who appreciate knowing what their employees are doing and from opponents who fear it’s an invasion of privacy.  See, employee monitoring is a methodology that uses software to track employees’ emails, internet browsing, phone calls, voicemails, GPS location, etc. It can provide a valuable look into each employee’s productivity levels, but it’s not focused on the customers’ experiences.

Quality management tools, on the other hand, are specifically focused on unlocking the true customer experience – helping business owners understand customer sentiment and better address their customers’ needs.  Instead of simply monitoring employees’ tech use, quality management tools combine technology with real investigation services – empowering you to see how employees are actually interacting with customers and delivering on your brand promises.

What Is the HR-Undercover Program?

The HR-Undercover Program is a full-service quality management program that helps organizations increase profits, stand out from the competition, and develop longer-lasting relationships with customers and staff.  It provides unbiased feedback on:

  • Real Customer Experiences
  • Brand Perception
  • Employee Integrity and Knowledge
  • Product and Service Delivery

Similar to the “secret shopper” concept of old, the HR-Undercover Program leverages a professional, licensed investigator to create a snapshot of your operations in motion.

Here’s how it works:

Step 1: Clarify your company’s operational standards, needs, objectives, and culture.

Step 2: Investigate your organization’s general or specific onsite operational concerns.

Step 3: Issue a confidential report, including recommendations for correction or improvement from a highly experienced HR professional.

Step 4: Design and implement corrective action, as necessary.

When implemented with transparency as an on-going quality management tool, your employees quickly begin treating every customer like a potential product/service investigator – increasing customer satisfaction quickly and efficiently.

Get a Quote for Launching the HR-Undercover Program

Trusted in the community since 2007, CaliforniaLabor Solutions LLC (CLS) is a specialized HR consulting firm – based out of Orange County, California –that offers comprehensive, personalized, and scalable outsourcing services designed to grow with your evolving needs.

As Founder and CEO of CLS, Shawn Larry takes a solutions-driven approach to human resources – working to inspire confidence in the CEOs and managers who depend on his leadership.  In addition to 20+years of experience in the field, Shawn has achieved many credentials and recognitions, including a J.D. from UOP-McGeorge Law School; California Private Investigator License; Certified Mediator; Senior Professional in Human Resources (SPHR); and Senior Certified Professional by IPMA-HR.