Properly prepared performance evaluations are good for the employee and especially you as a manager!

Here’s why:

They positively affect employee’s performance by:

  • Identifying ongoing performance problems;
  • Addressing new problems as they emerge;
  • Reinforcing positive behavior by providing positive feedback on what was done correctly;
  • Increasing employees’ self-awareness;
  • Encouraging improvement;
  • Increasing employee motivation; and
  • Rewarding achievements with monetary or non-monetary recognition.

They enhance managers’/supervisors’ professional development because they:

  • Force them to regularly review routine tasks, skills needed and working conditions;
  • Evaluate productivity and help managers and supervisors to gain control over the conditions that affect productivity; and
  • Relate employee performance to the objectives of the department and the goals of the district.

Performance evaluations provide written evidence supporting personnel decisions in the event they are challenged. As discussed below, evaluations often play a significant part in defeating an employee’s claims of retaliation and discrimination. In addition, they provide a warning to employees and an opportunity to improve performance.

Well-prepared performance evaluations give employees notice of performance deficiencies, which enables management to defend disciplinary personnel decisions. As an example, consider a district that wants to discipline an employee for tardiness. Assume further that that the supervisor (employer) never communicated its concerns to the employee. The employer’s efforts will likely fail because its documentation reflects satisfactory performance.

Our HR Consulting Services include HR Outsourcing, Regulatory Compliance Solutions, and Supplemental HR Support (for in-house teams).

Additionally, we offer Training & Professional Development, and Workplace Investigations




Why choose California Labor Solutions?  

California Labor Solutions (CLS) is one of the only HR firms licensed* to conduct workplace investigations in California. We serve private businesses and public-sector organizations throughout the state. We have conducted hundreds of neutral, objective, and unbiased workplace investigations for employee complaints relating to allegations of discrimination, harassment, retaliation, and various types of employee misconduct with the utmost quality, detail, and efficiency.

*California Private Investigator License Number 26311.  



Please note that the updates, advisories, and regulations we receive from the promulgating agency often contain ambiguities and/or are often amended, modified, or updated. This material/article/email does not contain any legal advice. The information and opinions expressed herein are based on our reasonable interpretation of the issuing agency’s publication at the time the opinion is expressed and is, therefore, subject to change based on further developments. The effect of the opinions expressed may be different based on your particular circumstances, and it is recommended that you not rely upon these general opinions prior to obtaining a consultation with your legal and/or financial advisors.